1. Full name: no
2. Nicknames: gabi.
3. Birthplace: Cascavel, PR, BR.
4. Birthday: August 11.
5. Where Do You Live Now?: Limbo.
6. Parent(s): no
7. Sibling(s): three younger siblings who i don’t live with.
8. Looks: 5’3, 103 pounds, short(ish) wavy brown hair with bangs.
9. Favorite Animal(s): butterflies, rats, whales and chickens.
10. Favorite TV Show(s): The Haunting of Hill House, The Witcher and The Midnight Gospel.
11. Favorite Kind(s) Of Music: metal, industrial and alternative.
12. Favorite Movie(s): Dunkirk and any Studio Ghibli Movie.
13. School: no
14. Future School: some university probably... meh.
15. Future Job: none.
16. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: no.
17. Best Buds: my cat.
18. Favorite Candy: cottom candy.
19. Hobbies: writing, journaling, tarot and poetry.
20. Things You Collect: feathers, dead butterflies, impossible dreams.
21. Do You Have A Personal Phone Line: nope.
22. Favorite Body Part Of The Opposite Sex? hands and veins.
23. Any Tattoos And Where Of What?: not yet.
24. Piercing(s) And Where?: a few in my ears.
25. What Do You Sleep in?: naked.
26. Do you like Chain Letters: i’ll visit you tonight at 3am if you don’t share this.
27. Best Advice: be kind to people and know yourself.
28. Favorite Quotes: know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.
29. Non-sport Activity You Enjoy: daydreaming.
30. Dream Car: i don’t really care about cars.
31. Favorite Thing To Do In Spring: the same things I do in every other season.
32. What’s Your Bedtime: around 1am/2am.
33. Where Do You Shop?: Amazon, Shein.
34. Coke or Pepsi: both will give you cancer.
35. Favorite Thing(s) To Wear?: My combat boots!
36. Favorite Subject(s) In School?: sociology.
37. Favorite Color(s): black.
38. Favorite People To Talk To Online: anyone who is willing to put up with me.
39. Root-Beer or Dr. Pepper? none.
40. Do You Shave? when i feel like it.
41. Favorite Vacation Spot(s): countryside.
42. Favorite Family Member(s): little sisters.
43. Did You Eat Paint Chips When You Were a Kid? sounds like something i would do.
44. Favorite CD you own: De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
45. The ONE Person Who You Hate The Most: myself.
46. Favorite Food(s): bananas!
47. Who Is The Hottest Guy or Girl In The World?: i don’t care.
48. What Is Your Favorite Salad Dressing?: I usually eat salad with salt, lemon juice and nothing else.
49. When You Die, Do You Wanna Be Buried or Burned Into Ashes? dead people probably don’t care.
50. Do You Believe In Aliens?: YES!
51. If You Had The Chance To Professionally Do Something, What would You Do?: cuddle
52. Things You Obsess Over: death, spirituality.
53. Favorite Day of the Week: every day is the same.
54. A Teacher You Hate: none, they’re just doing their jobs.
55. Favorite Disney Movie: Alice in Wonderland.
56. What Is Your Favorite Season? Autumn.
57. What Toppings Do You Like On Your Pizza? Strogonoff (probably only exists in my country, but it's soooo good).
58. Do You Like Your School Food Itself (As In The District Food): YESSS
59. If You Could Live Anywhere, Where Would You Live? in the middle of the woods.
60. Favorite Thing(s) To Do On Weekends: sit at the balcony and admire the night sky.
61. Favorite Thing(s) To Get Clean up: my room.
62. Favorite Magazine(s): I don’t read magazines.
63. Favorite Flower(s): sunflowers.
64. Favorite Number(s): 11, 111, 222, 777.
65. Favorite Ice Cream flavor(s): corn!!!!
66. What Kind of Guys/Girls Are You Attracted to?: intelligent and romantic ones.
67. What’s Your Most Embarrassing Moment? basically every social interaction i’ve ever had.
68. If You Could Change One Thing About Yourself What Would It be? STOP PROCRASTINATING YOU STUPID BITCH!
69. Do You Eat Breakfast First Then Brush Your Teeth or Brush first ten eat breakfast: brush my teeth, then eat a banana.
70. Favorite Time of Day: 1am.
71. Can A Guy and Girl Be Just “Best Friends?”: obviously.
72. Do You Ask The Girl / Guy Out Or Do You Wait For Them To Come To You?: wait.
73. Do You Mind Paying For Sex? waste of money, and sex without emotional connection feels just like collective masturbation.
74. What’s The Most Important thing In Someone’s Personality: their intelect.
75. Do you have a pager or cell phone? yes.
76. Favorite Sport: is running a sport?
77. What Was the Best Gift You Ever Received? my combat boots!!!! and my rat.
78. How Long Did This Letter Take You To Finish?: 11 minutes.
79. What Did You Listen To While Completing It?: The Beautiful People – Marilyn Manson.
80. Are you or would you like to be married in the near future (next 5 years)? I wish.
81. Don’t u just hate how psychics never win the lottery? they don’t?

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